First Steps you need to be a C# Programmer

First Steps you need to be a C# Programmer
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Your First Program in C#

The Program.cs file defines a class called Program that contains a method called Main. In C#, all executable code must be defined inside a
method, and all methods must belong to a class or a struct.
The Main method designates the program’s entry point. This method should be defined in the manner specified in the Program class, as a static method, otherwise the .NET Framework may not recognize it as the starting point for your application when you run it.
Important C# is a case-sensitive language. You must spell Main with an uppercase M.

How to Migrate a Project
If you are migrating a project from an earlier version of the framework, make sure you add a reference to Microsoft.CSharp.dll, when using dynamic programming. You will receive a compilation error if this is not present.

How to Rename a Project in C#

Resetting References for Renamed Projects. You can rename any project by right clicking the project and selecting Rename. However, that doesn't change the physical folder name. If you want to change the physical folder name, close the solution (select File > Close Solution) and then change the project folder name. When you re-open the solution, Solution Explorer won't be able to load the project. This is because the folder name for the project in the solution file hasn't changed. To fix this, select the project in Solution Explorer and open the properties window. In the properties window, select the file path property and either type the newly changed path or click the ellipses button to navigate to the *.csproj file. Navigate back to Solution Explorer, right-click the project that didn't load, and select Reload Project.

C# WPF Projects

If you have a WPF project, its Output Type is set to Windows Application. If you switched the Output Type of a WPF application to Console Application, you would see the Console window appear also. This might be useful for some intermediate debugging where you could emit Console.

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