About Us

Flamur Beqiri
Name: Flamur Beqiri
Email: flamurbeqiri1@gmail.com

CEO  of TutorialsCode

Secret origin: Born on 6th May in Duisburg, Germany.

School, Career: Accomplished secondary school 2007-2010, now at the end of my bachelor degree in Computer Engineering at the University of "Hasan Prishtina" Prishtine-Kosovo. Worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Republic of Kosovo in the IT position for 6 months.

Job: Freelancer


  • HTML 5 90%
  • CSS 3 90%
  • Javascript 80%
  • Professional SEO 100%
  • C# 60%
  • Wordpress 80%
  • Photoshop 60%
  • Dreamweaver 100%

Social Networks: Facebook , Google+, Twitter.

Name:    Rinor Haziri
Email:     rinorhaziri1@gmail.com   

Job: Freelancer
Secret Origin:  I was born on 8th February in Gjilan, Kosovo.

School, Career: I accomplished secondary school in gymnasium – math and informatics during 2007-2010. Now I am at the end of my bachelor degree in computer engineering. Lately I accomplished a programming training at Smart-Code programming company, for VisualC#.NET and ADO.NET.

Social Networks: You can find me in facebook: facebook , and in google+.

Write to Me: You also may contact me to my e-mail address; you`ll always receive may reply about anything you are interested about.